Friday, August 7, 2009

Goodbye Beach

Tonight is my last night at the beach and in two days I'll be back at school. What a great way to end my summer. I am happy to report that nobody got arrested this year, and nobody had to go to the emergency room. Though we did have some close calls, we had a slight run in with the park ranger about using a 4 wheeler on the beach and I took too many migraine pills and slept/passed out for some odd 13 hours.  No big deal really. The town we stayed in this year is at the end of the Outerbanks. Usually we stay in the main island near civilization, however this year we are in B.F.E. (i.e Bum F*&# Egypt aka the middle of nowhere).

 There defiantly is a big difference. Here we couldn't really go out at night or walk around. Instead we had to simply enjoy each others company... okay who am I foolin' we enjoyed the company of liquor the most. N0t that I am complaining, it just gets old after day 3 in the house. I am the type of person that likes to do things, go exploring, sitting down and relaxing doing nothing for a whole week isn't really my style. Don't get me wrong I love to sit at the beach listen to my Ipod and read a great book. I just can't do that for a whole week, I gotta break it up. 

Tonight I packed the car and then we had a bonfire out on the beach. I am going to wake up my sister and head on home around 4am. You wouldn't believe the traffic if we didnt wake up that early! That being said I should probably go hit the sack
Goodnight and Goodbye Summer 

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