Exciting news, I am going to study abroad in....
(In case you didn't recognize thats the Russian Flag)
Russia (Moscow Specifically)
You are probably thinking "Why Russia"? Well my reply is "why the hell not?". Sure I consider it being "cold" outside 65 degrees (thats like 19 C) and my definition of "warm" is around 90 degrees (32 C). Yes I do wear my flip flops all year round and an inch of snow is a big deal for me and yes I wear my Ugg boots with a mini skirt and not "snow pants". But really why not? The whole point of going abroad is to experience different things.
Laugh all you want (or shake your head as my mom did when I explained my logic) but I just got a feeling. Thats all I can say, I have a gut feeling that I am going to love it. You only live once so why not be spontaneous and spicy up life. Moscow is calling me and you know what I am going to answer!
(that's goodbye in Russian...I hope :) )
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